Chinese ministry

We praise and give thanks to God that Trinity United Reformed Church has called the Reverend Ernest Yu to become an Associate Minister and to work alongside the Minister of Trinity to minister to the Trinity community. Ernest has been able to use Trinity as a base to bring the gospel to the local people and Chinese people mainly in the south of England. His ministry involves teaching, preaching and pastoral visits in homes and hospitals, and visits to detainees in Immigration Removal Centres. He also helps non-English speaking Chinese with translations and to accompany them to attend various hospital or clinic appointments. Ernest is also invited to preach in other Chinese churches since they do not have their preachers or ministers.

The Chinese Group of Trinity United Reformed Church has been established since 2004. The group consists of Chinese people gathered from local areas who worship every Sunday at 11 a.m. At the first part of the Sunday service, the Chinese worship together with the whole church family in the sanctuary. After the Minister’s family address, the children and the Chinese Group proceed to the Mansel Road Centre to continue their worship in Junior Church and Cantonese-speaking, with Mandarin translation, worship respectively.

The Chinese members are active participants of Trinity church life. Almost all of them are Elders or Welcomers and on the rosters of various church duties, and a couple sing in the church choir. They worship in Trinity every Sunday and share the conversations over tea or coffee with the whole church family after the worship in the church hall. Trinity has become a model of a multi-cultural church of the United Reformed Church. Members of Trinity from many different countries worship together and live their church life harmoniously and they serve together cooperatively.

Emeritus Associate Minister
Revd Ernest Yu
Tel: (020) 8390 2151.

For Chinese Speakers

(You must have Chinese Language Option in Word installed on your computer to be able to read this.

自從二零零四年九月余威嶽牧師被按立為英國聯合歸正教會三一堂 Trinity United Reformed Church 牧師後, 一個中文堂開始在倫敦的温布頓成立了. 余牧師的主要任務是在聯合歸正教會的南教區温布頓地區向中國人傳教和服務.
三一堂因此成為在聯合歸正教會中的一個多民族教會的摸範. 每星期日上午十一時中英文堂一起崇拜. 牧師對兒童講了短信息之後, 兒童與中文堂的會友一起離開禮堂到新的孟壽道中心 Mansel Road Centre. 兒童們開始主日學. 中文堂就繼續用中文作他們的崇拜. 三一堂之所以設立中文崇拜是迎合不懂英語的中國人. 故此中文堂的崇拜是用廣東話或普通話的. 我們也用中文聖經和中文詩歌.
當慶祝聖餐的時候, 中文堂就在講道之後回到禮堂聯合英文堂一起守聖餐. 這樣就增進了教會一家的精神. 每當教會有特別慶祝或崇拜如聖誕節和復活節等等的時候, 中英文堂就聯合一起崇拜的.
中文堂的教友是從住在温布頓附近地區來的. 現在漸漸多了一些從中國或別些國家來的. 我們有普通話的翻譯來適合他們.若果您是個說廣東話或普通話的而要找一教會崇拜的話, 請您來温布頓聯合歸正教會三一堂. 若果您懂英語, 也極之歡迎您參加我們的英文堂崇拜. 我們也有說英語的中國人和從世界各地來的人在英文堂的.
倘若您有需要的話, 余牧師是可以帮助您做翻譯看醫生或其他專業人士, 寫中文或英文信, 填寫表格, 赴醫院,疹所或其他地方. 如果您現在有需要,可以現在跟余牧師聯絡.