
Whoever you are, wherever you are coming from you are welcome at Trinity.
Please use the contact details given here to get in touch with us.

We look forward to seeing and hearing from you. You may be church member, a friend or visitor.
You may have recently moved into the area and are looking for a friendly church where you can worship.
Perhaps you are planning a wedding, a christening, or a funeral service for a loved one.
Or you may want to find out more about our excellent facilities for hire.
Whatever your circumstances, you are most welcome at Trinity church.

Sunday 13 October – Compassion Sunday

On Compassion Sunday, the theme of our Service at 11:00 will be compassion for children, with Bible readings from Micah 6:1-8 and Mark 10:13-16.

Leadership will be shared between Revd Jacob Bali (Minister), Revd Ernest Yu and Revd Stewart Lake (Regional Partnerships Manager for Compassion UK).

During the service we will also receive a new member from The Chinese Rhenish Church, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong into Membership of Trinity.

After the service, coffee and tea will be available in the Old Hall, and an opportunity to meet friends and newcomers.  Please join us.

Everyone will be very welcome – church member, friend or visitor.  

Tomorrow, Thursday 10 October, is World Homeless Day and Faith in Action is marking the occasion, together with the generous support of our friends at Dons Local Action Group (DLAG).

FiA volunteers will be in Wimbledon all day tomorrow, 10th, at the following locations:

FiA volunteers will be in Wimbledon all day tomorrow, 10th, at the following locations:

  1. Outside Morrisons, The Piazza, Broadway, Wimbledon SW19 from 11am to 5pm, as part of the DLAG stand. All food donations received at the stand tomorrow will be generously donated by DLAG directly to FiA to support the work of our Homeless Drop-in. Information on our work will also be available and we’ll be delighted to explain more about our support for homeless and vulnerably-housed local people.
  2. On Wimbledon Station concourse from 7am to 9pm where, with thanks to South Western Railway, we will be collecting financial donations to support our work by cash, card or phone.

So if you’re in Wimbledon tomorrow, please do drop by and say ‘Hello’ to our hard-working volunteers, who should be recognisable in their purple, FiA-branded t-shirts!



The items most needed at the moment are:

Tinned tomatoes
Squash/long-life juice
Sweet/savoury treats
Sweet/savoury biscuits
Sandwich spreads (not chilled)
Peanut butter/chocolate spread

(They have plenty of pasta and noodles.)

To read the October issue of Trinity News click HERE.