Sunday 17 February
09:30 Choir practice
11:00 Morning Worship
Theme: ‘Revealed in Wellbeing’. Bible readings: Jeremiah 17:5-10; Psalm 1 and Luke 6: 17-26
14:00 Merton Winter Night Shelter
Monday 18 February
Tuesday 19 February
20:00 Communications & Publicity Team
Wednesday 20 February
12:00-14:00 Trinity Angelus
20:00 Queens Road Housegroup
Thursday 21 February
19:30 Prayer Group
Friday 22 February
20:00 Choir Practice
Saturday 23 February
18:30 Chinese New Year Supper
Sunday 24 February
09:30 Choir practice
11:00 Morning Worship with Baptism & Reception into Church membership
Theme: ‘Revealed in Peace’. Bible Readings: Psalm 37:1-11, 39-40 & Luke 6: 27-38
14:00 Merton Winter Night Shelter