February Church Meeting

One-plus-One-cover-image-200x200Our next meeting will be on Thursday 12 February when a key focus of this special meeting will be to discern Trinity’s response to the URC-wide consultation on the topic of Same Sex Marriages.  The meeting will be chaired by Dr Peter Stevenson, the Church & Society Convenor for our URC Southern Synod.  Please keep that date free in your diary and make every effort to attend.

To assist discussion within local churches, the URC’s Human Sexuality Task Group has produced the accompanying booklet entitled “One Plus One” (also available for download or reading online at http://www.urc.org.uk/marriage-of-same-sex-couples.html).  You are asked to read this carefully before our consultation meeting in February.  Copies are available on Sundays and from the Joint Church Secretaries.