Coronavirus & Food Banks

We’re being asked lots of questions about the possible impact of coronavirus on people needing food banks, and the support food banks will be able to provide.

This is an unprecedented challenge, and we don’t yet know how things will unfold. We’re working with our network on how best to support people, and wherever possible, food banks will continue to provide the lifeline of emergency food.

Food banks sometimes run low on certain items but we have not heard from any food bank in our network that they are currently running out of all food donations. We will continue to monitor this closely, and are working on how we can support as the situation develops. In the meantime, we encourage the public to continue donating after checking with their local food bank what items are most needed.

Wimbledon Foodbank’s urgent needs are:-
Long life milk
Pasta sauce
Noodles/pot noodles

We’ve got plenty of pasta