Suspension of congregational worship

Following clear Government advice yesterday, and updated guidance today from the United Reformed Church and other denominations, our minister and joint church secretaries have this evening agreed that we must recommend an immediate suspension of worship services at Trinity.

With great regret, this means a cancellation of the planned 11am All-Age Service this coming Sunday (Mothering Sunday, 22 March) and of services on Sundays thereafter for the foreseeable future. Our various Sunday duty rotas would likewise be set aside until further notice. Be assured, however, that we are actively and urgently exploring other means to facilitate and express our worship and discipleship.

We are convening an extraordinary ‘meeting’ (via teleconference) of our Elders’ Council tomorrow evening to give its concurrence to the suspension of worship & other gatherings at Trinity, and to take immediate steps for the continuity of spiritual, pastoral and practical support to all our church members and friends.

As you will know, the global and national response to the Covid-19 / Coronavirus pandemic is far-reaching; we’re all being asked to make fundamental changes to our patterns of behaviour and activity until such time as the worst of the danger is past. The purpose of this is twofold: to protect the most vulnerable in our own church community, and to reduce the risk of becoming ‘carriers’ of the infection to others in our wider communities.

We will, of course, provide further updates as plans take shape: via this subscription email service, via the church website, and via Trinity’s Facebook and Twitter profiles. Together we will need to be bold and imaginative in finding fresh ways to strengthen the bonds of shared faith and mutual care, even amid the necessary practice of social distancing for the time being.

“Do not be anxious about anything; but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4.6-7)

With every blessing

Dominic, Catherine, and Sam
Minister and Joint Church Secretaries