Worship on Sunday 13 September

Attendance is by pre-registration only: please read!

We’ve reopened our doors for congregational worship at 11:00am on Sundays. The service will last 35 minutes.

With ongoing Covid-19 restrictions, special arrangements will be in place to ensure everyone is as safe as possible. In particular the congregation on this occasion must be limited to a maximum of 30 people, so pre-registration is essential!

If you would like to attend on Sunday 13 September, please email churchsecretaries@trinitywimbledon.org – letting us know the number of people from your household (and their names) who wish to come

Important – please note the following:
  • With a strict attendance limit, we may not be able to accommodate everyone who expresses an interest in attending. After emailing, please await our confirmation that a place is available for you.
  • A ‘personal risk assessment’ form has been printed in September’s Trinity News (see here) and you should use this, before pre-registering, to help you decide whether you are ready to attend in person. It’s a self-assessment, so you do not need to tell us your ‘result’ and we will not ask you for it.

You must not attend if you are displaying any Coronavirus symptoms, nor if you are required to quarantine following overseas travel, nor if you have been instructed by NHS Test & Trace to self-isolate at home. You will be asked at the door to confirm that none of these apply to you.

Junior Church will take place in Room 1 for a limited number of children, and families are being contacted separately regarding arrangements. The children will be in Junior Church throughout the service – starting at 11:00. We will, of course, ensure that pre-registration by families for both the church service and Junior Church is handled in a co-ordinated way.

Chinese Group
Revd Ernest Yu advises that the Chinese Group will meet separately; but members of the group who wish to attend should follow the same instructions above to pre-register by email churchsecretaries@trinitywimbledon.org

‘Worship At Home’ for those not able to attend in person
Because only limited attendance is possible, and because many of us must still stay at home for some time to come, Trinity will continue to make ‘Worship At Home’ available until at least the end of the year.