Harvest Thanksgiving – 27 September

Next Sunday, 27 September, we will celebrate our Harvest Thanksgiving.  The service at 11:00 will be led by our Minister, with contributions from Revd Alex Mabbs. Alex is a URC minister working on the interface between faith and environmental issues such as climate change and conservation based at Brighthelm Church and Community Centre in Brighton.

As in recent years, our harvest giving will be directed towards the work of Wimbledon Foodbank.  If you are coming to the church service (pre-registration essential) please bring non-perishable items which can be used by the Foodbank.  Items urgently needed at present are chocolate, crisps, cereal bars and treats; 1kg bags of sugar; squash drink; tinned custard/rice pudding; tinned soup.  Items can be placed in the shopping trolley which will be placed on the church forecourt.

If you are unable to attend the church service but would like to make a financial contribution, please follow this link to Wimbledon Foodbank’s donate money website (Gift Aid forms available).