Today at Trinity

Today has been a day of many emotions at Trinity.  Our annual Rededication Sunday coincided with Dominic’s last Sunday with us.  At two fully-subscribed services, in morning and afternoon, it was good to see many friends in church again to reaffirm our shared participation and commitment to Trinity’s work and witness.

Dominic’s powerful sermon, based on John 21.15-24, will be reproduced in due course.  His parting charge to us, pointing us to God’s call through the prophet Micah, was “To do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with our God”, with a reminder that “You are God’s people, never forget it”.

Later in the day we had an opportunity to join together on Zoom to say our thanks and farewells. We presented them with a book of Trinity photo memories, a cheque and flowers.

We thank Dominic and Miriam for all they have brought to the life and witness of this church, and we wish them and Matt God’s blessing and every happiness as they move on to new work and challenges in another pastorate.