Virtual ‘Christingle’ Messy Church – 22 December

Just a reminder that our Virtual Christingle Messy Church will go on online here at 4pm on Tuesday 22 December and will stay there for you to view at a time that suits. It is a Christmas celebration of crafts, music, story and prayer.

If you want to get any craft materials ready, you will need some card and tissue paper, mini chocolate rolls, fondant icing and red/yellow food colouring or icing pens, lolly sticks, decorations like sequins, pom poms, stickers, felt tips etc. Lots of glue or a glue gun will come in handy!  We also make a salt dough from flour, water and salt.

For the Christingle you will need an orange, red ribbon or tape, a small candle, tooth picks and some sweets or fruits!

Enjoy our Christingle online celebration!