Christmas offerings for Crisis

For many years now, our Christmas offerings at Trinity have been given to
Crisis, the national charity for homeless people.

Crisis works directly with thousands of homeless people every year, providing vital help so that they can rebuild their lives and are supported out of homelessness for good.

If you will be attending either of the services on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day there will be an opportunity to donate then.

You may prefer to make an online donation by debit/credit card.  In this case please click on the Virgin Money Giving button here.

Alternatively, you may make a bank transfer – our bank account details are as follows:-

Bank:  CAF Bank
Sort Code:  40-52-40
Account:  Trinity URC
Reference:  Crisis
Account Number:  00009610

Or post a cheque (payable to Trinity URC) to Robin Ingram, c/o the Church Office, Trinity URC, Mansel Rd, SW19 4AA.