Join a musical…..

0-3248_musical-notes-clipart-png-transparent-music-notes-clipart | RESEEDRoger Jones, minister of Tolworth and Ewell/Epsom URCs, is planning to stage a musical, collaborating with other churches over the next two months and leading to a virtual musical performance. The music and dialogue are ready to go, based on chapter 27 of the book of Numbers in the Bible.

If you’d like to take part, music and backing track will be sent out so you can video record yourself singing to the backing track (with headphones) and then send Roger the result for editing.

Roger says, “I think we could have fun with this without rehearsals or learning lines etc…. Just a few hours at home and a little more for soloists.”

What else are you doing in lockdown?   If you are interested in taking part contact Roger on