URC Lent resource: ‘Walking towards Easter together’

A Lent resource for students, seniors, households and families to reduce isolation and offer hope in these challenging times.


The pack invites you to join a journey through Lent with opportunities to build connections with Jesus, others and your local church.  The materials include a wide range of activity suggestions so there should be something for almost everyone to engage with in their own home.

Contents: A3 poster – a map from Shrove Tuesday to Easter Sunday; hundreds of stickers to use with the map and journal; A5 spiral bound stand-up diary/journal with pull out activity pages; a booklet of seasonal and fun recipes.

Each day take a step towards Easter – mark your way on the map, use the creative diary/journal and dip into the activity suggestions: cook * make * give * pray * connect * think * do * discover * share * challenge * dream * play * smile * thank

Diary includes: Monday to Saturday read a real life story of someone walking the way of Jesus, reflect on a Bible verse, and use the space provided to record something of your day. Sunday pause to engage with a story about Jesus, a reflection and some suggested ways to pray, with space to record your responses.

Holy Week create a garden and follow the final few days leading up to the cross and tomb. Easter Sunday celebrate new life: faith hope and love restored.

Available from URC bookshop, price £4.50