

Dear Friends,

for some time we have been recording the Daily Devotions and, each morning, a link is sent out, marked Podcast in the section above, which people can click and then hear the recording of the reading, reflection and prayer.  Now it is possible to listen to the Podcasts directly through your normal Podcast provider or via your Smart Speaker.  

I should say that I am not an expert on Smart Speakers and can only go on what has worked.  If this doesn’t work for you I’m not able to help so please ask someone younger and more technically proficient!  But if you say:

“Alexa play the podcast of the URC Daily Devotion”  or

“Hey Siri, play the podcast of the URC Daily Devotion” or 

“Hey Google, play the podcast of the URC Daily Devotion”

(choose whichever greeting makes your Smart Speaker work!) you should get today’s Devotion. 

You can also get it to play the previous devotion by using the word “previous.”

On Sundays it will play the Service, if you want the Devotion you will have to tell it to play the “previous Daily Devotion”.  It seems using the word “Podcast” is key but I suspect Smart Speakers will adapt after a few uses and learn what it is you are asking for.  

The Podcasts are also available on Spotify (just manually find the Podcast section) and various other Podcast providers as well as by clicking the link on the top of each email.

We hope that these new ways of listening will make the Devotions more accessible.

With every good wish


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