On Sunday 12 September there will be a very important Church Meeting, immediately after our morning service.
As part of the process of calling a new minister to Trinity, our Vacancy Team has completed work on a Pastorate Profile. This is a long and detailed document, describing all current aspects of Trinity, our hopes and aspirations for the future, and descriptions of the role, personality and skills that we are seeking in our next minister.
At the meeting we want to share with you the key messages of the Profile and show how it draws on the views and suggestions made by the congregation in the Survey carried out in the early summer. There will be an update on what happens next, as well as a chance to ask questions of the Elders’ Council and the Vacancy Team, and to make observations about the Profile and the filling of the vacancy.
This is a significant step for the future of our local church, and the continuation of God’s work in our community.
The meeting will start promptly at 12:00, and will conclude no later than 1pm. We hope you will make every effort to attend.