Reformation Sunday
Dear Friends,
Martin Luther’s protest about what he saw as abuses in his contemporary church started on 31st October 1517 when Luther nailed 95 propositions to the Castle Church door in Wittenberg (and popped them in the post to his Archbishop). Reformed Churches used to make a point of commemorating Luther’s protest as the start of the Protestant Reformation on the last Sunday in October though, in recent years, this practice has fallen into disuse.
This Sunday, Reformation Sunday, we welcome the Rev’d Dr Michael Hopkins to lead our worship. Michael will reflect upon the Reformation with word, music, song and silence. I am also grateful to the Rev’d Paul Robinson who kindly recorded Stephen Orchard’s version of Luther’s Hymn – Our God Stands Like A Fortress Rock – for the start and end of the service.
I hope you find time to listen to the service – many people are listening later on Sundays now that local churches are back open, others listen during the week to supplement their local churches whilst others listen as these services are now their primary connection with the Church’s worship.
I hope as you listen to Michael’s service you feel close to God and drawn into an ever deeper discipleship.
with every good wish
The Rev’d Andy Braunston
Co-ordinator, Daily Devotions from the URC