We are hoping to raise at least £10,000 this year and the funds raised will again be allocated in accordance with the vote taken recently by Trinity members and friends from a list of charities. The following charities have been chosen and will receive £500 each:-
Local charities
St Raphael’s Hospice, South London Refugee Association, South West London Samaritans and Wimbledon Foodbank.
National charities
Alzheimer’s Research, Cancer Research UK and Macmillan Cancer Support.
International charities
Barnabas Fund, Medecins sans Frontieres and Save the Children.
Following provision of £2,000 for Disaster Relief, the remaining funds will be split 2/3rds to Faith-In-Action and 1/3rd to Water Aid.
Normally Gift Aid envelopes would accompany this letter but, in view of the current circumstances, electronic payment to the Trinity bank account may be preferred by donors.
There will be Gift Day donation envelopes available to donate in church on 7 November and on the following weeks in November.
Alternatively, you may post your cheque payable to Trinity URC to our ‘For Others’ Secretary, Robin Ingram, c/o Trinity Church office.
So – will you please help us raise sufficient money in order that we may meet the challenge of our mission to serve our local community and the needs of the wider world?