Pulpit Supply for Christmas and the New Year

Devotions’ Sunday Services as a Pulpit Supply Tool

Dear Friends,

Some time ago I emailed to say that we were planning to experiment, over Advent, with the Sunday Services we produce formatted to make them a useful pulpit supply tool.  I am pleased to say the preachers for Advent rose to the challenge and produced videos of their introductions, sermons and blessings and the Rev’d John Grundy also produced a video version of his presiding at Holy Communion.  These have been sent out to those who requested them and I have asked for feedback from those who use them.

The services are created on Powerpoint – and offered in a format that can be played even if the Powerpoint programme isn’t installed on a computer.  The file has everything needed for the service but can be adapted.  The words, and a choral version, of the hymns are included, a place holder for prayers, and the audio recording of the prayers are included as are the words and recording of the Biblical readings.  If a local church wanted the same hymns but to use their own musician the sound file could simply be removed, if other hymns were required then these could easily be swapped. If local people wished to give the reading then, again, the sound file could be removed.  We include an Elder’s script in case a local leader wishes to use it to lead the service instead of using recordings and simply play the Powerpoint for the video segments.  A simple order of service, with hymns, is given too.  This is in Word format so it can be adapted for local use.  We’ve tried to create a resource which is as flexible as possible and to meet the needs of a strong church which is stuck for pulpit supply and a more fragile congregation which struggles with music as well as getting visiting preachers.  You can see the Advent resources here.  (Do follow the instructions about downloading them though!)

All that a local church would need for this resource is a data projector and a computer connected to the sound system or a speaker.  

Early next week I will be releasing the Powerpoint files for Christmas and New Year.  We have a Midnight Communion service led by the Rev’d Simon Walkling (of course locally this could be used at any point on Christmas Eve), a Christmas morning service led by the Rev’d Susan Henderson, a service for Sunday 26th December led by the Rev’d James Church, a service for 2nd January led by the students from Westminster College and an Epiphany Communion service led by the Rev’d Neil Riches for 9th January.  If you wish to receive these please sign up for them here.

Post Epiphany the services will continue to be offered in this format too and we hope, eventually, to create a video version for local use at home too alongside the audio version but that will have to wait until I’m fully into my new post.  The remainder of January’s services will be released by very early December.  

I hope these resources prove useful.

with every good wish


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