Will you join us for our Lent Course?

We hope you will be able to join us for our Lent Course, a weekly time of sharing, discussion and prayer, as we read 1 Peter together.

In his letter to scattered groups of Christians in what is modern-day Turkey, the apostle Peter ignites imagination and inspires hope for the possibilities of everyday life in a complex world. Like those who first received Peter’s letter, you will be challenged to see your daily context afresh and deeply encouraged to live confidently – Monday to Saturday – wherever you are.

Meetings will be held via Zoom every Monday during Lent (from 7 March), starting at about 8pm. Each will feature a mix of Bible study, discussion and prayer, and last about an hour and a quarter. Everyone is welcome and there is no limit on numbers. Put the dates in your diary and look out for further details and the Zoom link to follow.  (If you have not registered to receive Trinity’s emails, please sign up here.)

We will again be using a book from the Gateway Seven Series published by the London Institute of Contemporary Christianity. If you would like a copy of the book please email Sam Elliot before Monday 28 February. You can also buy direct from the LICC website here.