Digital Content Assistant Job

Digital Content Assistant

Dear Friends,

When General Assembly created my new role as Minister for Digital Worship it also agreed to the creation of a support role which has been entitled Digital Content Assistant.  This post has now been advertised here.  

This, Church House based role (which after the probationary period can be hybrid or home based) will involve closely working with me and with Andy Jackson, the Head of Communications, in helping with a range of tasks around creating and uploading digital content. 

With me this means helping with editing video and audio tracks for the Daily Devotion Sunday services, loading the tracks online, getting the PowerPoint pulpit supply files ready and distributed, creating bulk emails as well as helping generally with the URC’s social media presence and other work as required. 

The role is part time – 21 hours a week – and has a good salary of £18,524. 

The advert, job and person specification are all online at the link above and the closing date for applications is 25th March with interviews scheduled for 20th April.  

If you, or anyone you know, is interested in this job please consider applying.  I am happy to have a chat about its various aspects.  

with every good wish


The Rev’d Andy Braunston
Minister for Digital Worship

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