Sanctuary Sunday – 26 June

Sanctuary Sunday marks the end of Refugee Week, and this will be the theme of our worship on Sunday 26 June at 11:00.  The service will be led by two of Trinity’s Elders, Robin Goodchild and Claire Wood.

The Bible readings will be Matthew 25: 31-46 and Leviticus 19: 13-18 & 33-34.

Sanctuary Sunday is an opportunity to reflect, pray, and commit ourselves annually to celebrate and continue to build hospitality and sanctuary for all, especially those whose lives are most vulnerable, and most in danger.  Play your part to make every church and house of prayer a sanctuary where all are treated with warm welcome, generous hospitality and protection from harm. Do this with pride as part of your Christian discipleship and spirituality.

We look forward to seeing everyone on Sunday morning.  All are most welcome!