Intercessions and Service Notes for This Week
Hi folks,
The Rev’d Clare Downing has kindly prepared the intercessions for this week. These are primarily designed for Sunday worship but can also be useful for small groups and personal use. You can download them here. As ever they are in pdf format which is a format that is easily used by a range of machines. If you need it, you can download the viewer programme here to see the file. If you need to copy and paste these into another document please simply highlight the text, copy, then paste into a new document.
Before Christmas I sent out the Worship Notes for the Christmas and New Year period but in case that email isn’t to hand, a reminder that the Rev’d Nicola Furley Smith has prepared the Worship Notes for this coming Sunday and these can be found here.
with every good wish for the year ahead
The Rev’d Andy Braunston
Minister for Digital Worship