Mission Impossible?
Dear Friends,
Our lovely friends at St Andrews with Castlegate URC in Nottingham have agreed to make the recordings of hymns available for other churches to use and I wonder if there is a small group of people who might like to assist.
All the recordings are on YouTube and the audio of the hymns needs to be extracted from each service, tidied up in an audio editing programme like Audacity and then saved with name and hymnbook reference. I experimented with one earlier and simply removed some of the introduction to get rid of a cough and the sound of someone who seemed to be moving a chair! The recordings are good in that they clearly highlight voices not being overpowered by the organ. I adjusted the bass and treble to give the sound a little more warmth. In time we hope to create a library of such recordings that we can use.
So, if you might have time and the expertise to extract the audio and then do some tidying up of the sound please could you drop me a line?
With every good wish
The Rev’d Andy Braunston
Minister for Digital Worship