Journeying through Lenten Sundays

Journeying Through Lenten Sundays

Dear Friends,

Just a note to let you know about the resources we have for worship for next Sunday.  

The Rev’d Paul Robinson has prepared this week’s Worship Notes.  Paul explores the set passage from Mark’s Gospel which marks the  focusing on the “so what” response to the call of Jesus.  We’ve responded, so what’s next?  A range of prayers and hymns are suggested along with an all age activity that will require some careful preparation! These can be found above the Worship Notes here.   The Rev’d Siân Collins has produced next Sunday’s intercessions which can be found just above the box with February’s Worship notes; weekly intercessions are written the weekend before they are to be used meaning they can be more focused on the news than those provided by the ministers who write Worship Notes.

URC Minister David Coleman works as chaplain to Eco Congregations Scotland and has provided videos for each week of Lent to encourage ecological discipleship.  You can see his material here.

Congregations always wish to involve children and young people in worship more.  Our Children and Youth Work Team have provided these prayer prompts which can be downloaded to encourage younger members of the congregation to lead prayers.  They are very good and free!  

With every good wish


The Rev’d Andy Braunston
Minister for Digital Worship

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