Our Morning Worship with Holy Communion will be at the normal time of 11:00 on Sunday 2 August, led by Revd Roger Jones.
Although many of the local roads will be closed to the north of Worple Road during the day, access up to the station from the Broadway should be unaffected, and we will have free parking available in the car park in St George’s Road. Last year we found that there was no difficulty accessing the church from this area. Pedestrian access from all directions is easy and there will be identifiable crossing points on the major roads (Wimbledon Hill Road and Worple Road).
We will be again be hosting the control hub for Merton during the day, with representatives of RideLondon, Merton Council and the Police present in the Mansel Road Centre.
Leaflets giving full information about free parking, public transport, pedestrian and vehicle access on that day are now available at the church. Please take a copy.