Harvest Supper

Harvest Supper – ‘7 days of creation’


Saturday 10 October – 6.30pm

Come along and enjoy and evening of food, fellowship and fun.
Harvest soup followed by desserts – please bring your own drinks.
It is essential to let us know if you will be coming to make sure there’s enough food to go around!

Everybody welcome – why not bring along a friend?
No charge but donations towards costs will be gratefully received.

Please sign the list on the Notice Board in the vestry corridor – by 4 October.
Bakers, cooks and helpers needed too – sign up on the list or email office@trinitywimbledon.org.

The theme will be the ‘7 days of creation’ – wear something (or for younger children dress up) to reflect the creation days eg: stars/suns/flowers/animals.

Bread or desserts can also reflect this theme, either in their names, ingredients, shapes or decoration!