18 September 2015
Dear Friends
I am writing to let you know about the Rededication Service to be held at Trinity on Sunday 4 October at 11am, and to encourage you to attend.
In becoming members at Trinity, each of us has promised to share in the life of this church, and to be faithful in our commitment. To help us in this, opportunities for rededication and renewal can be immensely valuable. By remembering God’s hand in our lives, we’re able to commit ourselves to a coming year of Christian fellowship and activity, looking forward to all that God has in store.
This annual Rededication Service is therefore a good time to celebrate and renew our shared participation in Trinity’s work and witness. What’s more, it’ll reflect the clear signs that we’re on the threshold of an exciting new phase in our church’s life and growth…
I would greatly value your participation on 4 October at Trinity, and would be personally delighted to see you there. Transport to and from the church can be arranged for you if necessary. If you have any questions, or if you’d like a general conversation, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Revd Dominic Grant (Minister)
PS. The following weekend sees our annual Harvest celebrations – including a celebratory Harvest Supper on Saturday 10 October at 6.30pm, and All-Age Worship for Harvest the following morning, Sunday 11 October at 11am. I’d be delighted to see you there too!