Sleep Easy

Could you swap your comfy bed for a cardboard box and a sleeping bag?  Sleep Easy invites you to do just that for one night (Friday 26 February) to raise awareness of homelessness in our community.

Not only will this be a challenging and eye-opening experience through which you will be making a real difference in the lives of vulnerable young people, but also an evening of fun and activities.  Plus, through raising sponsorship from your colleagues, friends and family, you will be supporting our work with homeless people across south west London.

Sleep Easy is a national YMCA fundraising event, which invites people to ‘sleep rough so others don’t have to’.

Click here for further information and to sign up for the Wimbledon Sleep Easy event.

Who is it for?
The Sleep Easy fundraising event in Wimbledon is suitable for children aged 12 and above. (Participants under the age of 17 must be accompanied by an adult and/or have written permission from parents or a carer.)

We hope that you will also raise lots of sponsorship money that will go towards supporting our work with homeless people in the local community.

You can sponsor the event now:  text EASY00 followed by the amount you would like to donate to 70070.