We are currently rebuilding Webbers – the mailing list we use for occasional emails about what’s happening at Trinity. We’re moving it to an online system known as Mailchimp. This will be a much more secure and reliable system, and – crucially – will put you in control of the information you receive via Webbers.
To continue receiving Webbers emails, please visit the following web page and complete the form there: http://eepurl.com/S-Eff
PLEASE NOTE: we are asking you to complete this sign-up process EVEN THOUGH you have already been receiving Webbers emails from Trinity. This is to comply with principles of good practice in data protection, to ensure that we have your consent to contact you in this way, and to give you the opportunity now to specify some preferences for the subject matter of emails you receive from us. The information you provide via the sign-up form will ONLY be used by Trinity United Reformed Church Wimbledon.
If you encounter any difficulty with the sign-up process, please speak to Dominic or email revdsgrant@gmail.com.