Sunday 13 March
09:30 Bible with Breakfast
11:00 Morning worship led by Mr Mark Dennis followed by Church Meeting & election to Elders’ Council
17:00 Merton Winter Night Shelter
Monday 14 March
20:00 Badminton
Tuesday 15 March
20:00 Pastoral & Membership Team
Wednesday 16 March
20:00 Trustees meeting
Thursday 17 March
20:00 Lent course “Our Exile, God’s Kingdom”
Friday 18 March
10:00 Trinity Toddlers
10:00 Olive Branch Café
20:00 Friday Fellowship
Saturday 19 March
12:30 Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Kenneth Young
16:00 Pilots
Sunday 20 March – Palm Sunday
09:30 Bible with Breakfast
11:00 Morning worship
18:30 Evening worship