Volunteering Opportunities for URC General Assembly 2016

Ever wondered how the URC’s General Assembly is run and who’s behind it all?  How about…YOU!


This year, the URC is recruiting young people, aged 18-25, to serve in various supporting roles at the upcoming meeting of Assembly from 8 to 11 July 2016 at the Convention Centre in Southport.
This is a fantastic chance to experience, firsthand, the workings of the URC’s highest level of council. There’s much to learn, gain and enjoy for young people of all abilities, so don’t miss out!

Here are the opportunities on offer:

Assistant Timekeeper
Using a software app, the Assistant Time keeper will time speeches during General Assembly, displaying appropriate indicators in the event of time violations. This volunteer will need to be able to concentrate for long periods of a few hours.

Assembly Office Support Person
This role, as a ‘Jack-of-all-trades’ will offer a range of duties for the Assembly Office. You might be ask to take messages to people, carry out photocopying, escort people from one location to another and generally be on hand to do whatever is asked of you. This will involve an early start and probably a late finish, but in between the crises and the catastrophes there will be time to chill and relax!

Steward Liaison Officer
This person will be the link between the Assembly Office and the Stewarding Team, making sure that the relevant papers are distributed to members of Assembly. They will be involved in practical planning prior to and during each business session, but must also be prepared for whatever might be asked of them.

Assistant to the Front-of-House Manager
This person will need to be approachable and polite, but responsive and firm, as they ensure that people are seated in the correct place in the Assembly Hall between sessions, especially if they are required to go on-stage at any time. The person will need to be able to familiarise themselves with senior church staff (e.g. Synod Moderators, Committee Convenors, etc…) as they will need to be able to locate people quickly. Plenty of preparation, advice and support will be offered before and during Assembly.

To find out more, please e-mail children.youth@urc.org.uk or call us on 0207916 8683.

Please note:

  • These roles are open to any non-member of Assembly aged 18-25.
  • All of these roles require the person to be available for duty at least two hours before commencement of the first day of the Assembly.
  • All expenses, meals and accommodation will be covered.
  • All volunteers will must be willing and able to work together as a team and to deputise for one another as required. Assembly can only succeed when we all work together!

Click here to see more.