If you have lots of fruit in your garden and can’t use it all, then please get in touch with Abundance. They can collect fruit and pass it on to others to make jam, juice or puddings. Some of it will go to local charities providing food for the homeless and elderly, e.g. Wimbledon Guild and the Drop-In Centre for the Homeless in Kingston Rd.
Abundance Fruit Day is a big annual event and this year is on Saturday 17 September, 11am–2pm at St Mark’s Church garden – so please put it in your diary! Come and get some ultra-fresh juice from the fruit press or buy homemade jam, chutneys and cakes and enjoy the music and games. Entry is FREE.
What’s more, if you are making jams, chutneys (anything with local fruit), and have a jar or two to spare, please consider donating it to Abundance for sale on one of the stalls at the Fruit Day. If you have any spare plants (especially fruit or herbs) then please keep them aside – the plant stall will gratefully sell them.
Last year, John Innes Society members helped gather 1806 kilos of fruit and Abundance thanks everyone who so kindly contributed. To donate your fruit this year, find out more or if you’d like to help in any way, please get in touch via the Abundance website: www.abundancewimbledon.com