Starting this month, we invite you to set aside some time each Wednesday lunchtime (any time between 12noon and 2pm), wherever you are, to join in prayer with the Trinity community.
Prayer topics for this Wednesday (11 January):
At Trinity: Pray for our Church & Society group as it meets on Wednesday, and for Supersonic which resumes on Saturday. This week, we also pray for Ron Temple and those for whom he has pastoral care: June Veacock, Betty Wong, Jerome Wong and Edna Sloan.
Our Borough: Pray for Merton Council’s chief executive Ged Curran, and all the council’s officers & staff.
URC South London Synod Area: Pray for our Synod’s new Children & Youth Development Officer, Thomas Hackett, who took up this post last week.
The wider United Reformed Church: Pray for the URC’s four Resource Centres for Learning: Northern College, Manchester; Scottish UR & Congregational College; Westminster College, Cambridge; Windermere Centre.
Campaigns & Events: As National Obesity Awareness Week begins on Wednesday, pray for dietary health care professionals, including those working with children.
World Council of Churches ecumenical prayer cycle: Pray for Iran, Iraq, Syria.