Trinity Angelus (8 February)

(The Angelus is a traditional call to prayer)
We invite you to set aside some time each Wednesday lunchtime (any time between 12noon and 2pm), wherever you are, to join in prayer with the Trinity community.

At Trinity
Pray for our Church Meeting on Thursday evening, as we seek to discern and to commit ourselves to Christ’s mission here.

Our Borough
Pray for the Police Safer Neighbourhoods Team in Dundonald ward: Insp Nicholas Milton, Sgt Anthony Steward, PC Douglas Walter, PCSO Karen North.

URC South London Synod Area
Pray for Tolworth URC (Interim Minister Revd Roger Jones).

Wider United Reformed Church
Pray for the URC’s Eastern Synod, its moderator Revd Paul Whittle & staff.

National Events & Campaigns
In this Sexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness Week, pray for all who have been or are being abused.

World Council of Churches ecumenical prayer cycle
Pray for Andorra, Italy, Malta, Portugal, San Marino, Spain, Vatican City.