Big Day Out – 20 May

urcbdopostcard17We are planning a Church Outing to Warwick Castle to join the BIG DAY OUT and  everyone is invited.

As part of the Feast and Festivals theme focus for the United Reformed Church, the event will run from 10am – 5pm in the historic and beautiful setting of Warwick Castle on Saturday 20 May 2017.

A festival-like programme on the Pageant Field will celebrate many aspects of the URC’s life, with worship for everyone, with live music and participants including the URC’s General Secretary John ProctorNeil Thorogood, Principal of Westminster College; Paul Northup, Creative Director of the Greenbelt festival; Wayne Hawkins, Mission Secretary (Europe) for the Council for World Mission; and representatives from the Christian Aid Collective and Messy Church.

As well as access to Warwick Castle and attractions, the price includes transport.
17+years        £10 per person
4-16 years     £5 per person
Under 4s         Free   (children are to be accompanied by an adult)

If you already have a ‘Merlin Pass’ please let us know as the cost will be reduced.

A coach will pick us up from the Mansel Road Centre between 7:30 – 8:00am and return between 7:00 – 7:30pm.

If you are interested in joining us please let Gillian Jones or Sam Elliot know by 19 March.