We invite you to set aside a few minutes, each Wednesday between noon and 2pm, to pray with the Trinity community.
At Trinity:
Pray with thanksgiving for all who are involved in our church’s music.
Our Borough:
Pray for the Parliamentary candidates in the Wimbledon constituency: Charles Barraball, Stephen Hammond, Strachan McDonald, Carl Quilliam, Imran Uddin.
URC Southern Synod & South London Synod Area:
Pray for Battersea St Andrew’s and Clapham URC (Minister Revd Andrew Fairchild)
The wider United Reformed Church:
Pray for the URC’s North Western Synod, moderator Revd Andrew Mills and staff.
Campaigns & Events:
Wednesday is World MS Day; pray for those diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis or other degenerative diseases, and for those who care for them, and give thanks for progress in treatment.
World Council of Churches ecumenical prayer cycle:
Pray for Angola and Mozambique.