Data protection rules are changing at the end of May. At Trinity we already seek to implement and abide by ‘best practice’ principles for handling the personal information of all our church members, friends and visitors; you can be assured that we will continue to do so.
We’re not issuing a plea for fresh confirmation of your consent: our handling of your contact details is fully compliant with the new regulations. However, this is a good opportunity to bring your attention to the following:
- Data Privacy Notice – this document can be found on the Notice Board in the Vestry Corridor, and on the church’s website. It details our principles and procedures in relation to the personal data that we collect and process, as well as explaining your rights (and whom to contact if you wish to check or change the data we hold about you, or to withdraw the consent you’ve given us).
- ‘Webbers’ mailing list – this email facility, which uses the third-party Mailchimp platform, is one way we keep in touch with members and friends. New users can sign up online, and existing users can check or alter their subscription and preferences by clicking the appropriate link at the bottom of every ‘Webbers’ email. In case of difficulty, there is a form available in the church office to ask us to create or alter a ‘Webbers’ subscription for you (to be clear, we will only do this for you with your consent).
- Emergency contact details – if you would like Trinity to have a record of a friend or family member whom we should contact in case of emergency, there is a form available in the church office for you to give this information. This facility is entirely optional, and your completion of a form confirms consent; completed forms are kept in a secure file for emergency use only.