Sunday 30 September
11:00 Morning Worship led by Revd Ernest Yu
During coffee time – Bake Freedom Cake Sale in aid of the charity Freedom from Torture
Monday 1 October
20:00 Badminton
Tuesday 2 October
10:30 Christmas Tree Festival planning meeting
20:00 Queens Road house group
Wednesday 3 October
12;00-14:00 Trinity Angelus
14:30 Wednesday Social Group
20:00 Elders’ Council
Thursday 4 October
19:30 Prayer Group
Friday 5 October
10:00 Trinity Toddlers
19:30 Film Club
20:00 Friday Fellowship
Saturday 6 October
09:45 Annual Elders’ conference
16:00 Pilots
Sunday 7 October – Rededication Sunday
10:30 Elders’ Meeting
11:00 Morning worship with Holy Communion