Wimbledon Foodbank is out of sugar, if you can donate a packet or two it would be appreciated. The local Foodbank fed 111 people through food parcels on 22 December. Thank you to all the donors, volunteers and supporters who helped make this possible.

Photos from the Festival are now available here, or click on the green Christmas Tree Festival logo on the left. The winner of My Favourite Tree was the Choir tree (‘The Tree Kings’), with Wimbledon Choral Society’s tree coming second.  The Cradle Roll and Badminton trees were third equal.

Sunday 27 December 11:00     All-age morning worship Monday 28 December Tuesday 29 December Wednesday 30 December 09:00     Removal of Christmas trees and decorations Thursday 31 December Friday 1 January 2016 – New Year’s Day Saturday 2 January Sunday 3 January – Ephiphany Sunday 10:30     Elders’ meeting 11:00     Morning Worship …

Tomorrow, Sunday 20 December at 11:00, the Morning Service will include the Nativity play performed by children and adults.  Come dressed as a Nativity character if you like!

Tomorrow, Sunday 20 December at 6.30 pm, join us for our Service of Carols & Readings by Candlelight.  Afterwards, mulled wine and mince pies will be served in the Old Hall.  All welcome.

On Christmas Eve, at 5.30pm, all children will be welcome to join us for our annual Christingle Service.

Our Service of Communion by Candlelight will begin at 11:15pm on Christmas Eve.

The Service on Christmas Day is a Family Service, beginning at 10:30am.  All welcome.  Children are encouraged to bring along one of their Christmas presents.

Sunday 20 December 11:00 Morning Worship with Nativity Play 15:00      Choir Practice 18:30     Carols & Readings by Candlelight followed by mulled wine and mince pies Monday 21 December 11:30      Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Moya Rice-Jones 17:30     Carol singing for Christian Aid at Raynes Park station Tuesday 22 December Wednesday 23 …

Our ever-popular Service of Carols & Readings by Candlelight was held on 20 December.  Our thanks to musicians and singers, led by Director of Music, Andrew Davies, and to our readers who represented a range of Trinity’s life.  As always, the Service  was well attended, and the congregation enjoyed mulled wine and mince pies afterwards.