On Tuesday evening we welcomed Dr Mohamed Ashmawey, CEO of Islamic Relief Worldwide. Dr Ashmawey’s inspirational talk on the work of his charity was fascinating and challenging. To learn more about IRW and the many areas in which they are involved (emergency relief, education, water, food, health….) around the world see http://www.islamic-relief.org.uk/. We are enormously grateful to Dr …
Sunday 11 October – Harvest Festival 09:30 Bible study with breakfast 11:00 All age worship Monday 12 October 20:00 Badminton Tuesday 13 October 20:00 Speaker Evening – Dr Mohamed Ashmawey, CEO of Islamic Relief Worldwide (coffee served from 19:30) Wednesday 14 October 14:30 Wednesday Social Group 20:00 Church & Society 20:00 Mission …
Our speaker on Tuesday 13 October will be Dr Mohamed Ashmawey – CEO of Islamic Relief Worldwide, charity that is very similar to Christian Aid. Dr Ashmawey will be talking about the charity he leads and how a faith-based organisation operates in a complex world. Please note the date and come along to what promises to …
Harvest Supper – ‘7 days of creation’ Saturday 10 October – 6.30pm Come along and enjoy and evening of food, fellowship and fun. Harvest soup followed by desserts – please bring your own drinks. It is essential to let us know if you will be coming to make sure there’s enough food to go around! Everybody welcome …
Bring your friends to our Harvest Festival service at 11:00. Again this year our Harvest thanksgiving gifts will be in support of the Wimbledon Food Bank. You are asked to bring items from the list below. Please give generously. Most needed items Canned meat ♦ Medium sized soap powder …
From left to right: Nirvana, Bruce, Ian, Christine and Guy with the Minister after being received into membership during the Rededication Service on 4 October.
Sunday 4 October – Rededication Sunday 09:15 Bible study with breakfast 10:30 Elders’ meeting 11:00 Morning worship with reception of new members, and Holy Communion Monday 5 October 20:00 Badminton Tuesday 6 October Wednesday 7 October 20:00 Elders’ Council Thursday 8 October 10:30 …
The Women’s Book Club will be meeting at 1pm on Friday 16 October at Elys’ 3rd floor restaurant. We will be discussing our current book, “A God in Ruins” by Kate Atkinson. All are welcome, for more details please see Pam Rostron.
Thirty Trinity elders spent an enjoyable and thought-provoking time together on 3 October at their annual conference. The title “All about Worship” ranged widely over the areas of shape and content of worship, the layout and ambiance of a worship area, multi-sensory worship, worship and pastoral care, and worship and evangelism. Finally we thought more specifically of …