Sunday 28 February 09:30      Bible with Breakfast 11:00      Morning worship 17:00      Merton Winter Night Shelter at Trinity Monday 29 February – start of Fairtrade Fortnight 20:00         Badminton Tuesday 1 March Wednesday 2 March 14:30         Wednesday Social Group 20:00         Elders’ Council Thursday 3 March 20:00         Lent Course “Our Exile, God’s Kingdom” (3) Friday 4 …

Trinity is a Commitment for Life church.  Commitment for Life is the URC  development programme. Our Commitment for Life collection is held during Lent so envelopes for your donations will be distributed on the 6 and 13 March. Please put them in the offertory when you can. In Palestine Commitment for Life funds a cooperative …

  On 2 March, the Wednesday Social Group are hosting the Musical Ensemble: “Four’s Company” (formerly “Sweet & Low”). This musical group is well known to many of us and is one of the highlights of our year so we look forward to their return visit. Everyone is welcome to join us on this special …

Sunday 21 February 09:30      Bible with Breakfast 11:00      Morning Worship 17:00      Merton Winter Night Shelter at Trinity 18:30      Evening Worship with Holy Communion Monday 22 February 20:00      Badminton Tuesday 23 February Wednesday 24 February Thursday 25 February 20:00     Lent Course “Our Exile, God’s Kingdom” Friday 26 February 10:00      Trinity Toddlers 10:00      Olive …

Sunday 14 February 09:30      Bible with Breakfast 11:00      Morning Worship 17:00      Merton Winter Night Shelter Monday 15 February 20:00      Badminton Tuesday 16 February 10:30     Lettings Team 20:00      Property Team Wednesday 17 February Thursday 18 February 20:00      Lent Course “Our Exile, God’s Kingdom” Friday 19 February 19:45      Choir Practice Saturday 20 …

The new Music & Song Club for 7-12 year olds who love singing rock, pop and gospel, meets this Saturday from 4:00 to 5:30pm at the church. Prior musical knowledge is great but not needed. Only £1 a session.  Run by the Trinity Youth Team. Don’t miss your chance to be part of something special! Further …

All Trinity members are reminded of our next Church Meeting on Tuesday 9 February at 8pm. The agenda will include:   Recent events & developments Responding to LMMR report received at last Church Meeting (including refinement of our Church Action Plan) Reviewing Trinity’s Christmas Tree Festival Present opportunities Exploring a possible Merton chapter of “Citizens UK” Approach from …

“How can we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?” asked the Psalmist; and for our part, we may sometimes feel “out of place” even when we’re not physically far from home. Yet saints and sinners down the centuries have shown that an enduring strand of hope can be found in unexpected or even …

Our Pilots company were celebrating Chinese New Year on Saturday. They played Chinese-themed games like ‘Chase the Dragon’s Tail’ and made Chinese ‘firecrackers’ with help from Trinity Elder Betty Wong. Pilots meets between 4.00pm and 6.00pm on the first and third Saturday of every month for games, craft and fun. Email for more information.