We will be holding a church supper to celebrate the Chinese New Year – the Year of the Monkey – on Saturday 20 February at 6.30pm.  This is always a very popular event and numbers have to be limited, so please book early to avoid disappointment.  Sign up on the notice board in the vestry corridor. …

Sunday 7 February 09:15      Bible with Breakfast 10:30      Elders’ Meeting 11:00      Morning Worship with Holy Communion 13:00      Youth Forum 17:00      Merton Winter Night Shelter Monday 8 February 20:00      Badminton Tuesday 9 February 20:00      Church Meeting Wednesday 10 February – Ash Wednesday  20:00      Joint Service at St Mark’s Wimbledon 21:00      Church & Society at …

The House Group will meet on Thursday 4 February (8pm) at 217 Queens Road. We will be looking at the little letter of Paul to Philemon. All will be very welcome.  Andrew Sutton will be happy to give any further details.

Lent is the season of preparation for Easter, which starts on Ash Wednesday and takes in 40 weekdays before Easter. Lent is a time for self-examination and reflection. Our annual ecumenical service for Ash Wednesday on 10 February at 8pm will be held this year at St Mark’s church, Wimbledon.  All are most welcome.

Out of the 80 million Easter eggs sold in this part of the world every year, The Real Easter Egg is the only one which has an Easter story booklet in the box, is made of Fairtrade chocolate, and makes a donation to charity from its sales. You will be able to choose from the …

Our Foodbank provides emergency food and supplies for local people in desperate need. In December it fed over 800 people (over 300 in Christmas week alone).  Now urgently needed are tinned peaches and tinned fruit salad.   Other items are always welcome: sugar, tinned tomatoes and vegetables, ketchup, tea, custard, instant coffee, squash and mashed …

Women’s World Day of Prayer 2016 is on Friday 4 March This years’ Service has been  prepared by the women of Cuba with the theme ‘Receive Children. Receive Me’. The Services in Wimbledon will take place at at Merton Park Baptist Church (Bushey Road) at 10.30am and Holy Trinity (Wimbledon Broadway) at 8.00pm.  Catherine Linsley, Youth …