‘Reform’ magazine subscriptions are due for renewal now. Options offered are: Digital format, readable on computers, tablets & smartphones –  All 10 issues per year, cost £ 18.00. Printed on paper –  All 10 issues per year, cost £25.00. Copies distributed to you at church. Please hand cheques to Alban Thurston, payable to ‘United Reformed Church’, …

We are looking for new choir members – all voice parts. You don’t have to attend every week – you’d be welcome to come along to the rehearsal and corresponding service when you can make it. We sing each Sunday morning at 11:00 (except the first Sunday of the month), with a rehearsal at 09:30. …

Monday 28 March  –  Easter Monday Bank Holiday Tuesday 29 March 10:00      Holiday Club 20:00      Pastoral & Membership Team meeting Wednesday 30 March 10:00      Holiday Club Thursday 31 March Friday 1 April 19:30      First rehearsal for  ‘Whistle Down The Wind’ 19:45      Choir Practice Saturday 2 April Sunday 3 April 11:00      Morning Worship and …

Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30 March from 10am to 3 pm- open to all children aged 5 to 11 (school Year 6) There will be TWO days of fun and games in the Easter Holidays at Trinity United Reformed Church holiday club! Based on the ITV series The Story Keepers, the holiday Club will be full of creative teaching, …

The first introductory rehearsal for this year’s musical, “Whistle Down the Wind”, is on Friday 1 April at 7.30pm in the church. Everyone is invited.  All ages needed to be in the choir, on stage, or part of the production team. Performance dates:  17 and 18 June 2016. Come along and join the fun.  For …

(Remember the clocks go forward this morning) The Church’s great celebration of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead 06:00     Dawn Service at St Mark’s church, Wimbledon, followed by breakfast.  All welcome. 11:00     Easter Celebration with Holy Communion – a service for all ages There is no Evening Service on Easter Day  

The Good Friday service today was followed by coffee and hot cross buns in beautiful Spring sunshine.

Our Good Friday service begins at 10:30.   Coffee and hot cross buns will be served after the Service. Good Friday is observed on the Friday before Easter Sunday. On this day Christians commemorate the passion, or suffering, and death on the cross of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Many Christians spend this day in fasting, …

The terrorist attacks this week in Brussels are the most violent to hit Europe since the November attacks in Paris that killed 130 people. Yet this is not the first, or even the second or third, terrorist attack in that time. We must not forget Bamako, Tunis, San Bernadino, Istanbul, Jakarta, Ouagadougou, Ankara, Mogadishu and …

Holy Week is the most important week of the Church’s year.  We walk with Jesus from the triumph of the entry to Jerusalem, through the intimacy of the Last Supper, and the desolation of his death on the cross, to the joy of the Resurrection.  Please join in this week as fully as you are …