Sunday 17 April 09:30      Bible with Breakfast 09:30      Choir Practice 11:00      Morning Worship 18:30      Evening Worship with Holy Communion Monday 18 April 20:00      Badminton Tuesday 19 April 19:30      ‘Whistle Down the Wind’ rehearsal 20:00      Mission and Outreach Team Wednesday 20 April Visit to St Paul’s Cathedral Thursday 21 April 10:30     Christmas Tree …

We are planning a visit to St Paul’s Cathedral on Wednesday 20 April. This will include: an optional light lunch at The Wren, St Nicholas Cole Abbey at 12:00. 90 minute guided tour of the cathedral at 2pm. the option to stay for evensong. Admission to St Paul’s is from £14 to £18 depending on …

  The Evangelical Alliance is hosting a hustings in the run up to the London mayoral election.  The hustings will be taking place on Tuesday 19 April, 6-8pm at Kensington Temple, Notting Hill, W11 3BY. Sian Berry, Zac Goldsmith, Sadiq Khan, Caroline Pidgeon and Peter Whittle have confirmed that they will be taking part and the …

We are currently rebuilding Webbers – the mailing list we use for occasional emails about what’s happening at Trinity. We’re moving it to an online system known as Mailchimp. This will be a much more secure and reliable system, and – crucially – will put you in control of the information you receive via Webbers. …

Sunday 10 April 09:30      Bible with Breakfast 09:30      Choir Practice 11:00      Morning Worship Monday 11 April 20:00      Badminton Tuesday 12 April 19:30      ‘Whistle Down the Wind’ rehearsal 20:00      Worship & Faith Development Team Wednesday 13 April 13:45      Communications & Publicity Team 20:00      Church & Society 20:00      Queens Road Housegroup Thursday 14 April 20:00      …

United Reformed Church Special Category Minister the Revd Peter Stevenson has completed six months as Site Chaplain to the Elephant Park Development in South London.  The development currently employs 500 people and this is expected to rise to 2,000 when all the phases come on stream. The developers, Lend Lease, wanted to trial a chaplaincy …

Sunday 3 April 09:30         Bible with Breakfast 11:00        Morning worship with induction of elders to Elders’ Council Monday 4 April 20:00         Badminton Tuesday 5 April Wednesday 6 April 14:30         Wednesday Social Group 20:00         Elders’ Council Thursday 7 April Friday 8 April 20:00         Friday Fellowship Saturday 9 April 16:00      Supersonic music & song club …

Ever wondered how the URC’s General Assembly is run and who’s behind it all?  How about…YOU! This year, the URC is recruiting young people, aged 18-25, to serve in various supporting roles at the upcoming meeting of Assembly from 8 to 11 July 2016 at the Convention Centre in Southport. This is a fantastic chance …