An excellent Saturday evening, enjoyed by over ninety Trinity members and friends.  Entertainment by Supersonic, a fish and chips supper, and congratulations to our joint winners, Teachers’ Pets and the Eurovision Song Contest inspired Nul Points.


15-21 May – Christian Aid Week Sunday 15 May – Pentecost 09:30      Bible with Breakfast 09:30      Choir Practice 11:00      Morning worship – including baptism & reception of new members 18:30      Evening worship Monday 16 May 20:00      Badminton Tuesday 17 May 19:30      ‘Whistle Down the Wind’ rehearsal 20:00      Pastoral & Membership Team Wednesday 18 May Thursday 19 …

Christian Resources Exhibitions (CRE) is one of the most ecumenical events in the Christian calendar. There is no other exhibition in Europe that features so many organisations from such a broad church.  Nowhere else can church leaders experience such a broad range of resources under one roof. 100+ practical and resourcing seminars, arts theatre and …

Next week is Christian Aid Week (15-21 May).  Many door to door collectors are needed to cover Trinity’s roads.  Please let Mike or Margaret Tulloch know if you can collect.  If you would like to collect with someone else it can be arranged. The annual car boot sale for Christian Aid will be held on …

      The Spring newsletter is available here.

  The 2015-16 annual report of the night shelter which Trinity hosts is now available.

Old Grey Prayers, by Bernard Thorogood is a new collection of poetry, prayer and reflections on growing older available from the URC Shop now for just £4. Ripeness is all Giver of life, lover of life, you seek life in all its fullness for all of us; that the seeds may germinate; the buds may …

We will be meeting at the Lantern Coffee Shop at Raynes Park Methodist Church, Worple Road, this coming Friday, 13 May, at 1pm. Everyone welcome to join us.  We will be discussing our latest book, Slade House by David Mitchell.  

Celebrating today the ascension of Jesus – with links to all corners of the earth. Luke 24: 44-53 “Jesus led them out as far as Bethany; and he raised his hands and blessed them; and as he was blessing them he parted from them and was borne up into heaven.”