
Sunday 8 May 09:15      Bible with Breakfast 09:30      Choir Practice 11:00      Morning Worship Monday 9 May 20:00      Badminton Tuesday 10 May 19:30      ‘Whistle Down the Wind’ rehearsal Wednesday 11 May 20:00      Calendar Planning meeting 20:00      Church & Society Thursday 12 May 20:00      Queens Road Housegroup Friday 13 May 10:00      Trinity Toddlers 10:00      Olive …

  The house group will meet on Thursday 12 May (8pm) at 217 Queens Road.  We will be continuing our study of the Sermon on the Mount. We would be delighted to welcome anybody who would like to come.  Further information can be obtained from Andrew Sutton.

Are you aware of the importance of the referendum on the Britain’s membership of the European, yet overwhelmed by the complexity of the issues and cautious about what to make of the arguments? The United Reformed Church, with its Joint Public Issues Team partners, the Baptist Union, the Methodist Church and the Church of Scotland, …

The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 4 May at 2.30pm when we will be welcoming a return visit of the handbell group, “The Nonsuch Ringers”.  Their performance will be followed by afternoon tea.  Everyone is welcome to join us for this special afternoon’s entertainment in the Mansel Road Centre.