Sunday 17 July 09:30 Choir Practice 11:00 Morning worship 18:30 Evening Service Monday 18 July 20:00 Roll Review Group Tuesday 19 July 20:00 Pastoral & Membership Team Wednesday 20 July Thursday 21 July 10:30 Christmas Tree Festival planning meeting 19:30 Outing to New Wimbledon Theatre (pre-booking essential) …
Rooted in Christ; growing in faith; sharing and serving in love. Trinity’s new Mission Statement, agreed by Church Meeting on 14 July.
Sunday 10 July 09:30 Choir practice 11:00 Morning worship Monday 11 July Tuesday 12 July 19:30 First Aid training Wednesday 13 July 20:00 Church & Society 20:00 Worship & Faith Development Team Thursday 14 July 20:00 Church Meeting Friday 15 July 10:00 Trinity Toddlers 19:45 Choir practice 20:00 Friday Fellowship Saturday 16 July Sunday 17 …
A reminder that our next Church Meeting will be held on Thursday 14 July at 8pm in the Mansel Road Centre. Among items on the agenda is our Children & Youth Work (a report by Roger Jones, Team Leader). Further details will be available on Sunday.
The Revd Andy Twilley, a Baptist minister, has been appointed URC Southern Synod’s new Training and Development Officer. Andy comes to us as an exceptionally experienced minister who would work well in situations which involved training and the care of others. He is a gifted speaker and communicator, and he is able to enthuse an audience of …
The United Reformed Church General Assembly – which is the key decision-making body of the Church – meets from 8 to 11 July 2016 at the Southport Convention Centre in Merseyside. Follow news and reports from General Assembly as it happens: visit the news section of the URC website, the Church Facebook page and our …
Sunday 3 July 10:30 Elders’ Meeting 11:00 Morning worship with Holy Communion Monday 4 July Tuesday 5 July 20:00 Mission & Outreach Team Wednesday 6 July 14:30 Wednesday Social Group 20:00 Elders’ Council Thursday 7 July Friday 8 to Monday 11 July URC General Assembly meets at Southport Convention Centre Friday 8 July 10:00 Trinity …
General Assembly is the biennial assembly of the United Reformed Church, meeting every two years to celebrate, discuss, and make decisions on, the life and work of the denomination. General Assembly will next meet in Mersey Synod at the Southport Convention Centre, from 8 to 11 July 2016. For further information and to see General Assembly papers click here.