As announced at our morning service yesterday, it is with great sadness – yet with the assurance also of Christ’s promise that where he is, we shall be also (John 14:3) – that we record the death last Tuesday evening of Hazel Yu following a short illness. Hazel, the wife of Trinity’s Associate Minister Revd …
We are delighted to announce our next Trinity Colloquium: Money to burn? Ethical investment in an overheating world 8pm on Thursday 29 September 2016 at Trinity United Reformed Church, Mansel Road, Wimbledon, London SW19 4AA All are warmly invited to a panel discussion with James Featherby (left), chair of the Church of England’s advisory committee …
We are looking forward to another wonderful festival this year. The dates (9-11 December) should now be in your diary! If you would like to decorate and/or sponsor a Christmas Tree for the Festival please get in touch as soon as possible. All proceeds, after expenses, will go to the Samaritans. For further …
Sunday 11 September – ‘Moving Up’ Sunday 11:00 All-age worship Monday 12 September Tuesday 13 September Wednesday 14 September 20:00 Church & Society Thursday 15 September 10:30 Christmas Tree Festival planning meeting Friday 16 September 19:45 Choir practice 20:00 Friday Fellowship outing Saturday 17 September 16:00 Pilots Sunday 18 September – Peace-making Sunday 09:30 …
The Season of Creation, running annually between 1 September and 4 October, is that time of the year when 2.2 billion Christians are invited to pray and care for creation. 1 September was proclaimed as a day of prayer for creation (World Day of Prayer for Creation, or Creation Day) by Ecumenical Patriarch Dimitrios I for …
The parables told by Jesus are among the best-known and best-loved passages of the Bible. Whilst their vivid characters and situations draw on the lifestyle and concerns of their first hearers, still today they have an immediacy and appeal that seems undimmed. The more we spend time with them, the more we might discover hidden …
Sunday 4 September 10:30 Elders’ Meeting 11:00 Morning worship with Holy Communion Monday 5 September Tuesday 6 September Wednesday 7 September 20:00 Elders’ Council Thursday 8 September 20:00 Finance Team Friday 9 September 10:00 Trinity Toddlers 19:45 Choir practice 20:00 Friday Fellowship / Film Club Saturday 10 September 16:00 Supersonic Sunday 11 September – ‘Moving Up’ Sunday …
Open House London is the capital’s largest annual festival of architecture and design, giving access to over 750 buildings and sites for one weekend (17 and 18 September). In Merton, three religious institutions are opening their doors to welcome visitors. Why not take this opportunity to visit them? BAITUL FUTUH MOSQUE – 181 London Road, Morden SM4 …