Sunday 30 October 09:30 Choir Practice 11:00 Morning worship led by Mark Dennis Monday 31 October 20:00 Badminton Tuesday 1 November 10:30 Parables on a Tuesday 10:30 Christmas Tree Festival planning meeting 20:00 Communications & Publicity Team Wednesday 2 November 14:30 …
If you would like to sponsor a tree at this year’s Festival in support of Inner South West London Samaritans, please go to MyDonate at the foot of our Home Page. Alternatively please contact The Christmas Tree Festival takes place from 9 to 11 December.
Sunday 6 November at 5.30pm A special service to remember loved ones who have died – at whatever age and in whatever circumstances – and to affirm that they are not forgotten but are still known to, loved by and cared for by God. The service will include an opportunity to light candles, and to …
Sunday 23 October 09:30 Choir Practice 11:00 Morning worship led by Revd Andy Twilley, URC Southern Synod’s Training & Development Officer Monday 24 October 20:00 Badminton Tuesday 25 October Wednesday 26 October Thursday 27 October Friday 28 October 19:45 Choir practice Saturday 29 October 10:00-15:00 Holiday Club Sunday 30 October …
Wimbledon Foodbank have asked that we pass on their thanks for the 155kg of food donations that were delivered to them following our Harvest Festival. On average, this is enough to provide 3 days of emergency food rations for 15 people. We continue to collect food donations throughout the year in the box in the Old …
[21 October 2016: for immediate release] Wimbledon church to register for Same Sex Marriage Members of Trinity United Reformed Church in Wimbledon have voted to open the doors for the marriage of same-sex couples in their church. Following discussion and prayerful reflection over a period of months, a special church meeting was held on 4 …
Our Morning Worship on Sunday 23 October will be led by Revd Andy Twilley, the newly appointed Training and Development Officer in Southern Synod. We look forward to welcoming Andy on his first visit to Trinity. Over the past thirty years in ministry Andy has led several local churches, he was Bible promotion manager with Scripture Union, and for …
Trinity Toddlers is now full and we have had to close our books. If you are a newcomer, and would like to try us out one week, you are very welcome to come along and we will see if we can fit you in and add you to the waiting list.
Sunday 16 October 09:30 Bible with Breakfast 09:30 Choir Practice 11:00 Morning worship 18:30 Evening service Monday 17 October 20:00 Badminton Tuesday 18 October 10:30 Parables on a Tuesday Wednesday 19 October Thursday 20 October 20:00 Worship & Faith Development Team Friday 21 October 10:00 Trinity Toddlers 19:30 Film Club 19:45 Choir Practice …