A series of film screenings for Advent will take place on the next three Tuesdays in the Mansel Road Centre 29 November, 6 December and 13 December – at 2pm and 7.30pm Tuesday 29 November:  “Contact” Tuesday 6 December:  “The Green Mile” Tuesday 13 December:  “Paddington” Everybody welcome!  For further information see flyers at the church …

Sunday 27 November – Advent Sunday 09:30         Choir practice 11:00        Morning worship 17:00         Choir practice Monday 28 November 20:00         Badminton Tuesday 29 November 10:30        Parables on a Tuesday 14:00        Reel Advent: film screening of “Contact” 19:30        Reel Advent: film screening of “Contact” Wednesday 30 November Thursday 1 …

Next Sunday, 27 November, is Advent Sunday.  We will be lighting the first Advent candle to mark the start of Advent and our preparations for Christmas. We will also be collecting gifts for Faith in Action Merton Homelessness Project  (FiA). Warm socks, boxer shorts, hats, gloves and scarves, bars of chocolate, sweets, biscuits, disposable razors …

The last Church Meeting of 2016 will be held on Wednesday 23 November at 8pm in the Mansel Road Centre. We will be looking at: Our church budget for 2017 The election to Elders’ Council in 2017 Our Faith Development programme – looking at common devotional resources for Trinity We look forward to seeing you.

This year FIA are running their Christmas lunch on Wednesday 14 December.  You are invited to bring suitable gifts to be given out to participants. Gifts of warm socks, boxer shorts, hats, gloves and scarves, bars of chocolate, sweets, biscuits, disposable razors or shower gel would be most welcome.  Please wrap the gifts and label …

A huge ‘well done and thank you’ to all our fantastic singers, band and crew who rocked Centre Court on Saturday!

Sunday 20 November 11:00      Morning Worship 18:30      Evening worship with Holy Communion Monday 21 November 20:00      Badminton Tuesday 22 November   10:30      Parables on a Tuesday 20:00      Property Team – postponed Wednesday 23 November 20:00      Church Meeting Thursday 24 November Friday 25 November 10.00       Trinity Toddlers 19:45       Choir Practice …

Supersonic and our Trinity Band will be performing in prime position outside Debenhams and Lakeland on the Lower Mall of Centre Court on Saturday 19 November from 13:00 to 15:00.  We’ll be singing and playing a range of Christmas hits, our own original songs, plus maybe even the odd “Whistle Down the Wind” number if …

  The Toddlers Christmas Party is on 16 December. If you are hoping to come, please sign the list at Toddlers by 25 November so that we can have an idea of numbers, both for catering and, of course, to let Father Christmas know how many are coming!  If you are not able to sign up yourself, …

Sunday 13 November – Remembrance Sunday 09:15      Bible with Breakfast 09:30      Choir Practice 10:45      Morning worship 17:00      Choir Practice Monday 14 November 20:00      Badminton Tuesday 15 November 10:00      Christmas Tree Festival planning group 20:00      Queens Road Housegroup 20:00      Calendar planning group Wednesday 16 November Thursday 17 November Friday 18 November 10.00       Trinity Toddlers …